Magnets provide quick mounting. The tiny magnet systems known as pot magnets also referred to as cup magnets, have a single attracting surface.
Magnet mounting methods are distinctive ways to hang, attach, hold, position, or fix objects. They can also be utilized as ceiling or wall magnets.
- Connect without bolting or drilling
- for handling, holding, or positioning products
- quite strong
- Simple to install
- portable, reusable, and scratch-resistant
The following materials are available for pot magnets:
- Samarium Cobalt (SmCo)
- Neodymium (NdFeB)
- AlNiCo
- Ferrite (FeB)
The range of the maximum application temperature is 60 to 450 °C.
There are several different designs for pot magnets and electromagnets, including flat, threaded bush, threaded stud, countersunk hole, through hole, and threaded hole. There is always a magnet that works for your application because there are so many distinct model options.
A flat workpiece and spotless pole surfaces guarantee the best magnetic holding force. Under ideal circumstances, perpendicular, on a piece of grade 37 steel that has been flattened to a thickness of 5 mm, without an air gap, the specified holding forces are measured. No difference in the draw is made by little defects in the magnetic material.