How to Maintain Shuttering Magnets
Before using a stuttering magnet, always make sure the magnetic block is flat, smooth, and free of any dirt, grime, or debris. You don’t want to see any foreign matter on the magnet, if you do, clean it before using it. You always want to ensure your work surfaces are clean as well.

1.Don’t be rough on the shuttering magnets. The rare earth materials inside the magnets can be compromised if dropped.
2.Avoid external impact. Banging it with a hammer, bumping, knocking, and any other unnecessary misuse will cause it to deform.
3.Don’t remove the magnet with a hammer. Instead, use the easy-to-use button to remove it safely. If the magnet isn’t equipped with an automatic button, lift the switch attached to the magnet with a crowbar. This will loosen the suction between the magnet and the platform so you can easily take it out.
4.When pressing the shuttering magnet, don’t use a metal hoe to hit it directly, instead, press it with the sole of your shoe and let gravity work its magic.
You can reuse shuttering magnets multiple times, but it’s best to always clean after each use to ensure consistent product quality. Spray the shuttering magnets as needed with anti-rust oil or concrete mold oils to help prevent corrosion. Store shuttering magnets in an area that won’t surpass 80 ° C. If you’re using a curing furnace that exceeds 80 ° C, remove the shuttering magnets to avoid demagnetization caused by high temperature.
Long Term Storage of Shuttering Magnets If you’re not planning to use your shuttering magnets for a long time, the risk of rusting and eroding goes up, leaving the holding power of the magnet in jeopardy. If you know you’re not planning to use the magnets for a while, always apply a good anti-rust oil like Mobil or Great Wall at the bottom of the shuttering magnet – only after it’s cleaned. This will give your magnet a much longer lifespan.

Post time: Mar-31-2023