Magnet inspection plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the superior quality of finished products. It is essential to ensure that the magnet operates flawlessly and delivers optimal performance to uphold the overall quality of the final product. Honsen Magnetics places stringent control measures on magnet inspection to consistently achieve exceptional standards. At Honsen Magnetics, thorough scrutiny is conducted throughout the magnet inspection process. Our skilled technicians meticulously assess the operation and performance of each magnet. They meticulously examine various aspects such as magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density, and magnetic pull force to ensure that the magnets meet the stringent quality requirements.
To achieve these high standards, Honsen Magnetics utilizes advanced and specialized equipment for magnet inspection. Cutting-edge technologies such as magnetic field analyzers and Gauss meters are employed to accurately measure the magnetic properties of each magnet. This ensures that the magnets are functioning optimally and have consistent magnetic field output.
Honsen Magnetics adheres to a comprehensive set of quality control protocols during the magnet inspection process. Strict procedures are followed to maintain consistency and accuracy. This includes verifying the magnet's dimensions, physical integrity, and magnetic properties against specified standards and specifications.
Furthermore, Honsen Magnetics places a strong emphasis on continual improvement in magnet inspection methods. Regular training and skill enhancement programs are conducted to keep their technicians updated with the latest advancements in magnet inspection techniques. This ensures the company stays at the forefront of magnet inspection technology and can effectively address any emerging quality concerns.
Honsen Magnetics maintains strict control over magnet inspection to ensure the quality of finished products. By employing advanced equipment, following rigorous quality control protocols, and fostering an environment of continuous improvement, Honsen Magnetics guarantees that its magnets meet the highest standards of operation and performance, resulting in superior-quality final products.

In principle, the permanent magnet maintains its strength throughout its service life. However, there are several reasons that may lead to a permanent reduction in magnetic force:
-Heat: The thermal sensitivity varies according to the mass of the magnet; Some types of neodymium magnets begin to lose strength at temperatures above 60 ° C. Once the Curie temperature is reached, the magnetic field strength drops to zero. The maximum temperature to ensure magnetic strength is always listed in the product specifications of our magnetic system. Ferrite magnet is the only material that also weakens at low temperatures (below 40 ° C).
-Impact: Impact load can change the structure and direction of magnetic "spin".
-Contact with external magnetic field.
-Corrosion: Corrosion may occur if the magnet (coating) is damaged or if the magnet is directly exposed to humid air. Therefore, magnets are usually built-in and / or protected.
When overloaded, the electromagnet will overheat, which may lead to coil corrosion. This also leads to a reduction in magnetic force.
With our rich experience and knowledge of magnets, we will specially design test procedures to determine whether the magnets are qualified in combination with the operation of the customer's magnet system in the product or manufacturing process.
Contact us to make an appointment for magnet inspection: